Sunday, October 25, 2009


So yesterday, October 24th, was 350 day -- a day of demonstrations and protests held in 170 countries around the world to focus attention on the number 350. This is the number that climate scientists say is the upper limit for heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, measured in parts per million. As I've been learning, for most of the life of the earth, or anyway, at least 650,000 years, the number was 280. Scientists have calculated that the atmosphere prior to the Industrial Revolution contained about 280 parts per million carbon dioxide. For many scientists, 350 is the upper limit -- if the gas concentration exceeds that for long, the world can expect decades of disrupted climate patterns, rising sea levels, drought and famine. The current concentration is 387 parts per million. And over the next few decades, we're easily heading toward 450. With those numbers in mind, Bill McKibben, author and activist, founded, a group dedicated to building a "global community" for climate action by creating a day of global action centering around this universally understood number. And, indeed, there were over 4,300 demonstrations around the world yesterday.

One of those, the one pictured above, was at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. Ben and I, and our dog Daisy, were there (see upper photo). We went for a number of reasons: We believe in science! Also, common sense tells me that, despite the complexity of the issues related to the environment and the economy, these dire predictions sound disconcertingly logical. Bill and Ben write and speak about many of the same issues -- the economy, consumerism and their global consequences -- and they have great respect for each other's work, just last week, they were both inspiring speakers at the E.F. Schumacher Society in Stockbridge, MA and I heard Bill speak for the first time. Also, we love St. John the Divine, we feel lucky to live nearby, we have connections and associations with it (Ben and I found solace there on the first anniversary of 9/11 listening to the bells) and we were looking forward to the ringing of the bells 350 times. And we assumed, that, living on the Upper West Side, we'd be part of a pretty big gathering of like-minded individuals. But, honestly, we were shocked at the small turnout. Not just at the Cathedral. Evidently the big rally in Times Square attracted only about 150 people. And, finally, despite all the actions taking place around the globe yesterday, how many actual individuals took part?

Chances are, you didn't know about yesterday's event until you read about it on page 8 of today's NYTimes. Or, if you did know about it, you assumed it was one more attempt by an organization to get attention for it's particular take on a problem that many of us already know is an actual problem and cause for concern but can't really persuade ourselves that being photographed with a banner saying "350" is really going to have much impact on President Obama and the other leaders who will be attending global climate talks in Copenhagen in December. And, like us, you probably agree that legislation and litigation is where the main focus needs to be.

But, honestly, what does this mean? Now, I'm not used to being critical in writing in public (I guess I better get used to it if I'm really going to pursue writing a blog). And I particularly don't want to be negative toward the organizers of these various actions or of Bill and his colleagues for whom I have deep respect. There were some actually amazing and moving demonstrations throughout the world -- go to to see the images. And I'm really happy we had a chance to meet with the coordinators at St. John the Divine -- we had a remarkable conversation and feel personally even more connected to this great institution and will deepen our association with them. But it makes me question how to go about calling attention to this issue of global warming and making meaningful changes that will really help to heal the problem and not exacerbate it.
What I do know, is that, despite my questioning, I'm very glad we were a part of yesterday's action and joined with others throughout the world who share my concern. And I intend to keep following Bill McKibben and
To be continued.

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