Sunday, July 17, 2011

from Squash Blossom to the Sublime

Arriving late to Farm Girl Farm for our Tuesday pickup yielded us unanticipated treasure. Vivian had separated the blossoms from the fresh zucchini, laid them on the table, and invited me to help myself to some of the delicate beauties, just beginning to wilt in the early evening heat. These exquisite jewels of summer are rare and not to be passed if offered. I cradled the gems on top of the mesclun and arugula and drove home in the dusky light.

I'd never actually tried making stuffed squash blossoms, though I'd twice tasted them and remembered the first bite of sweet creamy lushness that broke through the lightly crispy exterior. The color of summer, these tender flowers gleamed on my kitchen counter. The gentlest of baths removed the tiny specks of dirt. While drying, I mixed together a few tablespoons of our local Monterey goat cheese; some small pieces of fresh mozzarella; a twist of black pepper; and finely cut up chives from the garden. In the skillet heating, two tablespoons of olive oil and two of clarified butter (to prevent burning.) For the coating, a plate of flour and a flat bowl of whisked milk and egg. Carefully stuff about a teaspoon of the cheesy paste into each blossom. Pan ready, gently coat with flour, dip in egg mixture, lay in the pan. Turn gently when lightly brown to crisp up all sides. With continuing gentleness, remove and drain and cool for a minute. . .

or maybe two -- until you can't wait another second. . . We ate them standing by the stove, with our fingers, and a cool glass of Riesling. Sublime.

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